Most of us (Indian) recieved this information on Whatsapp/Facebook or via e-mail. Everybody excited for that and shared with other friends.
Unfortuately, the UNESCO has NOT DECLARED the Indian National Anthem, Jana Gana Mana...as the best in the world.
Actually, this false message first started circulating via e-mail in 2008, later began circulating on social media (Whatsapp/ Facebook...).
If the UNESCO had really made such an announcement, such information should be available on UNESCO website (http://en.unesco.org/). But no such information available on UNESCO website.
India Today published an article with tittle 'India anthem' email false: Unesco' September 30, 2008 | UPDATED 14:17 IST. From this article....
"India Today wrote to the UNESCO for details and clarifications regarding this "best anthem of world". In reply to India Toady, Sue Williams (Chief, Editorial, Press Relations and Unesco Courier, Bureau of Public Information, Unesco) clearly mentioned that no such award has been announced."
Read full article on India Today Website (http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/India+anthem+email+false:+Unesco/1/16449.html)
Unfortunately, people have still circulating such a false information to their friends. Please stop circulating such false information.
So please share this trure information to all of your friends and others
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